Thursday, 5 July 2012

Philadelphia Times Vol. 1 #6

July 5, 2012

Today was the last day of working at Grace Fellowship. With mostly little things to do we headed off to the church. Once there we began to clean up and put things back where they belonged.

The outside still needed another coat of paint so our favourite painting team, Ashley, Alison and Grace, headed outside to tackle that job. Inside Bethany and Christina started in on the Men’s Bathroom. Alice, Heather and Lisa started washing the floor and moving bookshelves back into place. Matt and Dan continued in the closet and Adam and Martin hung up the coat hooks and bulletin boards. Mark once again headed off to his favourite store.

Lunch time came quickly and we only had a couple hours left until we had to leave the church. Matt and Mark replaced the ceiling tiles and vacuuming was started and then stopped and then started again.

The back room is a small study but it was such a mess no one could work in it. So some of us started cleaning it up and getting rid of things that were no longer working. In no time at all the room was looking decent.

We were almost done when Dan trekked out of his closet, through the study, across the stage, down the aisle and into the kitchen leaving a trail of tar footprints behind. And so we all got down on our hands and knees and began scrubbing away at the stains. Turpentine works wonders on tar.

When the disaster was averted we cleaned up some last minute things and headed to the showers and home. Once again we headed to the Livingstons, this time leaving a thank you card and a gift card.

The back of the church did look nice until we dragged all the garbage out. Now at least ten bags and a pile of cardboard mar the almost nice landscape. We have been throwing things out left, right and centre. If we can’t think of a use for it or it is dirty and gross, out it goes.

Tonight was a fellowship dinner at Grace. A few members of the congregation were there but no one else. So a group of us headed out to the park across the street and invited them to eat with us.  It took telling them that there was air conditioning to bring them in. Over twenty people came through during the evening. Most of them were quite talkative and eager to spend time with us.

After everyone was gone we gathered around the piano and sang until our voices were raw. But I’m sure our praises pleased our God, the One whom we have tried our best to serve with joy this week.

Last minute group shots, last minute discussions about tomorrows plans and we headed back ‘home’.

There are some mixed feelings as we get ready to head home. We all want out beds but leaving Grace Fellowship and the people we have met causes us some sadness. The work there has been renewed and we all want to see it progress. I guess that is what e-mail is for.

Pastor Larry Westerveld has asked us to come back next year or the year after to work in another church. We all would be delighted to go, but only God knows the plans He has for us and this city called Philadelphia.

We praise Him for this week. With thanksgiving in our hearts for the fellowship of fellow believers, the laughter we have shared, the lessons we have learned, we go to sleep this night eager to back with our families.

Thank you for your prayers, for continually keeping us in mind. Please continue praying for Pastor Bill Snodgrass and his family. Pray that he does not lose heart and that he will continue to preach the word and go out into the streets to talk to those there.   

Until next time,

            The Farmer’s Daughter  

Quote of the Day:

Martin: If in doubt, throw it out. 

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